Video: Orangutan Information Centre
Orangutan Information Centre’s (OIC) Human Orangutan Conflict Response Units (HOCRU) provide direct and immediate help for conflict situations and reports of crop raiding across the Leuser Ecosystem and Batang Toru landscape in North Sumatra and Aceh provinces. Locals can call the HOCRU hotline instead of dealing with the Orangutan themselves, avoiding situations where extreme measures are taken. For the safety of the people and animal, the Orangutans in danger are transported to protected forested areas where they can be out of harm’s way. For those in need of medical attention, veterinary treatment and rehabilitation is provided.
The team also conducts regular field monitoring of these relocated Orangutans. HOCRU also responds to cases of illegally held Orangutans, together with law enforcement and wildlife authorities. They engage with forest-adjacent communities in outreach and awareness activities, offering training in methods to safely and humanely protect their crops from Orangutans.
Mandai Nature has been a proud supporter of OIC’s HOCRU efforts since 2015. HOCRU has grown in size as well as area of coverage since its formation in 2010 – a second unit was established in 2016 and the third in 2019. The HOCRU members have been working tirelessly in response to the ongoing plight of displaced Orangutans. Up till end 2021, they have rescued over 235 Orangutans, making a critical difference to the survival of this species.
Orangutan Information Centre (OIC) is a Medan-based NGO which aims to conserve and protect orangutans and their forest homes in Sumatra. OIC works with local communities living alongside orangutan habitats in and around the Leuser and Batang Toru Ecosystems, the last strongholds of orangutan population in Sumatra and among the most tropical forests remaining in Asia.