We envision a future where wildlife and people thrive together in healthy ecosystems. Our dedication to protecting Southeast Asia's most threatened species drives us to prevent extinction where it's most needed. At Mandai Nature, we are driven by purpose, working with our partners and communities to ignite change, spark innovation, and inspire hope. By investing in people and empowering them to protect the planet, we create lasting impact together.

Our Areas of Work

We depend on the natural world for our every need, and nature itself is an integral part of the climate solution. We, together with like minded partners, deliver on our conservation priorities for a heathier planet and sustainable future for all.

Mandai Nature logo

About Mandai Nature

Mandai Nature is the conservation arm of Mandai Wildlife Group (MWG) and was established in December 2020 by Temasek and MWG. Based in Singapore, Mandai Nature receives funding and in-kind support for MWG.

Our purpose is to see a sustainable world where wildlife and people thrive together in healthy ecosystems. We aim to be the trusted wildlife conservation organisation in Asia, with a focus on protecting threatened species from extinction, protecting and restoring ecosystems, and creating benefits for local communities.

We deliver impact through multiple roles:

  • Catalyst: We catalyse and enable conservation field programmes and research to be delivered through partners. We co-design solutions and research projects, as well as support partners through grants, expertise, and conservation networks.
  • Builder: We build conservation, research and management capacity of local and national NGOs, students and academics, and other stakeholders.
  • Convenor: We convene partnerships and host multi-stakeholder collaborative alliances to address critical conservation outcomes.

Mandai Nature proudly hosts the IUCN SSC Center for Species Survival: Southeast Asia, the IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) secretariat as well as the IUCN SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group (CPSG) Southeast Asia Resource Centre.