Video: D’Aboville Foundation
Since 2019, Mandai Nature has supported D’Aboville Foundation (DAF) as part of the wider Mangyan – Tamaraw Driven Landscape Programme (MTDLP), which aims to save the species through a multi-pronged approach. This includes improved population monitoring methods, as well as enhancing the well-being of the indigenous communities who share their living space with the Tamaraw. Integrating their cultural and development needs with the recovery of the Tamaraw is the keystone of the MTDLP.
DAF works closely with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in the Philippines on various in situ conservation measures in MIBNP. A field team of rangers have carried out population assessments through various counting methods and dung sampling. DAF and DENR have also conducted a camera trap occupancy survey in the Aruyan-Malati area to monitor other populations of Tamaraw. Data gathered will inform researchers on the presence and distribution of the Tamaraw and other wildlife.
The team has also contributed to habitat restoration and natural regeneration efforts within MIBNP, conducting studies on vegetation quadrants and tree capacity within the area. With better understanding of the area, this will enable conservationists to further conduct a feasibility study to assess the need and validity of an ex situ breeding programme.